Saturday, August 31, 2019

Choking in Sports Essay

In 2007, Reeves, Tenenbaum, and Lidor conducted research in order to study what causes talented athletes to often fail to perform to the best of their abilities when placed under stressful situations. The purpose of the study was to discover whether athletes who participate in self-consciousness training adapt to pressure situations better than players who do not. To measure this, the researchers examined â€Å"choking† during kicking a soccer ball with participants of two different skill levels, low-skill and high-skill. The participants had to complete two different tasks, kicking a soccer penalty and a breakaway. They were placed under two pressure situations, both low and high, and the experimenters also had three different training conditions – single task, dual task, and self-consciousness. The high-skill players were members of a NCAA Division 1 women’s soccer team at a southeastern, United States university with at least ten years playing experience. There were 18 participants in the high-skill group ranging from 18 to 22 years of age. The low-skill players were junior varsity girl soccer players from two southeastern high schools. There were 19 participants in this group, ranging from age 14 to age 16. All of these participants were randomly assigned to one of the three training conditions. On the first day of the experiment, participants were told the purpose of the study and were asked to fill out performance information sheets as well as sign informed consents. Participants then warmed up and began performing the simple task of penalty kicks under low-pressure conditions. Before each kick, participants filled out the part of the psychological grid for that kick, and then performed the task. On the second day, the participants were split into two teams and told they would be competing for a prize. They were told that their competition would be videotaped and that a sports psychologist would evaluate their mental performance in front of the goal. The psychological grid was again filled out before each penalty kick. On the third day, the participants completed the complex task (breakaways) under low pressure conditions. On the fourth day, participants were told that the competition involving penalty kicks was unfair and that the competition needed to be replayed but with breakaways. The researchers found that choking occurred in the simple task of penalty kicks, but not in the more difficult task of breakaways. Also, the single-task and dual-task treatments experienced a decrease in performance under high-pressure situations. Meanwhile, participants who underwent self-consciousness training improved their performance under high-pressure situations. Reeves et al. used a repeated measure ANOVA with skill level and treatment as between-subjects factors and pressure condition and task complexity as within-subjects repeated measures on perceived pressure. This ANOVA was used to check for the effect of pressure on the participants, and a significant effect was found (F (1,31) = 32. 32, p < . 001). Repeated measures ANOVAs were also used to assess performance and perceived performance during the shooting tasks. There was a significant interaction of task difficulty and pressure condition on performance such that participants performed the simple task better under low-pressure (M = 12. 63, SD = 3. 35) than under high pressure (M = 11. 17, SD = 3. 24). However, they also found that the more difficult task was performed equally well under low- (M = 11. 08, SD = 2. 64) and high-pressure (M = 11. 25, SD = 2. 90) conditions. A significant interaction was also found between pressure condition and treatment as they affect performance. Participants in the dual-task treatment suffered decreases in performance when shifting from low- to high-pressure situations, whereas participants in the self-consciousness treatment group increased performance. The single-task treatment had the highest decreases in performance from low- to high-pressure situations. Significant interactions were also found between skill level and treatment condition such that low-skill players given self-consciousness and dual task training perceived their performance as higher than those in the single-task condition. However, high-skill players in the self-consciousness treatment perceived their performance as being lowest of all three treatments. Yet another analysis of the data showed a significant interaction between pressure and treatment on perceived arousal and pleasantness levels. One limitation of this particular study is that it only examined the effects of high pressure situations in female soccer players. Although this study did account for differences in skill level, players of a different sport may have had dissimilar results. Also, there may be gender differences when it comes to choking during performance. The authors discussed the possible limitations of this study in the discussion section. There it says, â€Å"Further explanation of what constitutes a simple and complex task under pressure situations and of the ability to generalize to other task types is needed to enhance our understanding of the choking phenomenon. The researchers go on to say that there was no significant difference in skill level shown. The results reported by the experimenters and the discussion section did seem to be consistent in their findings. Using the statistical analysis and results from the ANOVAs, the researchers explained what they found using previous theories on choking in high pressure situations. The results of this study supported the explicit monitoring theory to explain choking under pressure in proceduralized skills. On the other hand, distraction theories explain choking under pressure in cognitive skills. Both of these conclusions were supported by data in the results section of the paper. This study not only has implications for athletes, but for everyday life as well. Athletes should be aware of the pressure they are experiencing in different situations and be able to regulate their arousal when necessary. If an athlete is facing a difficult task under high pressure conditions, they should consider undergoing self-consciousness training to help increase their performance. Similarly, if a student is studying for an extremely difficult exam that will determine whether they pass or fail a course, they should use self-consciousness training to help them obtain the best grade possible. For simple tasks, both athletes and students should realize that being under an increased amount of pressure can result in lower performance. Therefore, when completing mundane tasks, athletes and students alike should decrease their arousal and be under as little pressure as possible to achieve optimum performance. In a study by Wang in 2004, researchers were examining â€Å"dispositional self-consciousness and trait anxiety as predictors of choking in sport. Sixty-six basketball players completed the Self-Consciousness Scale and the Sport Anxiety Scale prior to completing 20 free throws in low-pressure and high-pressure conditions. A manipulation check showed that participants experienced significantly higher levels of state anxiety in the high-pressure condition. A series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses supported the hypothesis that self-conscious athletes were more susceptible to choking under pressure. The best predictors of choking were private self-consciousness and somatic trait anxiety that together accounted for 35% of the explained variance. † If one is self-conscious, they are putting themselves under even more pressure than the situation at hand already is. Therefore, these athletes are already at a disadvantage when it comes to reaching optimum performance. The best athletes in the world have no trouble stepping onto the biggest stage and performing well on a consistent basis. Also, in terms of choking, another factor that seems to be important is how high one’s approach motivation is. Choking is the concept that one performs worse than expected in a situation that carries great importance. This is Michael Jordan hitting a game winner in game six, or Mr. October Reggie Jackson going yard to give the Yankees the lead, or even a young intern at the FBI figuring out the biggest case of his life that makes his career; except it’s not. Choking is bricking that shot, grounding out to the second baseman, and having someone else figure out your case for you and thus getting your promotion. Recent questions have been raised about the major causes of choking. Some believe that â€Å"motivation to avoid failure often may predict choking under pressure† (Jordet 2008). â€Å"In achievement motivation theories, avoidance motivation typically refers to behavior directed by negatively valenced events, whereas approach motivation refers to behavior directed by positively valenced events† (Jordet 2008). People who avoid failure often get worried more and are more likely to perform poorly (choking). People who approach it, are often more confident and have less anxiety and thus, tend to have better performance (Dweck 1988). In this study, the researchers hypothesized that, â€Å"elite performers who are in negative valence situations engage in avoidance behaviors and these behaviors may contribute to low performance† (Jordet 2008). This study uses the high pressure situation of a penalty kick in a soccer match to fill the gap in knowledge on real-world choking. A penalty kick occurs when two teams are tied after two overtime periods. Especially in big games such as the World Cup final, these shots are very high pressure moments. Studies on these shots suggest that the more important the shot, the worse people performed because of elevated stress and anxiety levels. Researchers for the current study hypothesized that players in negatively valenced situations would attempt evading the situation, while players with positively valenced shots would take their time to look at the goal keeper, line up their shot, and take the necessary time to prepare. The negatively valenced shots would have their back turned to the goal keeper and would get the shot over with as quickly as possible (Jordet 2008). The results of this study showed that whether one takes an approach or avoidance motivation can have an effect on whether professional athletes choke under high pressure situations. They found that soccer players especially tended to use avoidance behavior and thus made 30% less shots than with the positively valenced shots (Jordet 2008). Despite prior research that suggested that professionals who choked tended to take longer to shoot, the present study found that the athletes who shot quickly actually performed worse. There are two possible situations. Either, through hurrying up, the athlete is able to time their shot and put it where they want, or they rush their preparation and don’t focus in enough on where they need to place the ball and can therefore choke. Jordet states that more research needs to be done on the relationship between dreading the shot, waiting to shoot, and the result or performance on the shot. Researchers in this study included a neutrally valenced condition in which they found it was most related to the negatively valenced condition. Therefore they concluded that athletes in the positively valenced group simply strive under pressure i. Michael Jordan, etc. Jordan approached failure face to face and more often than not came away successful as a result. It is all dependent on what sort of success and patterns a player has developed over his or her career (Dweck 1988). If a player shows a pattern of stepping up and hitting a key shot, you can expect that he or she will perform better on a big stage because they are self-confident. If I were to perform further research on this subject, I would first attempt to create a model that would help explain the complex reasons for choking while performing tasks during different situations. This would help other teachers, coaches, and researchers use this information to foster the highest level of performance in athletes and others. Another possible direction for these findings is to have three conditions in a study, one in which a participant completes a proceduralized task, one for a cognitive task, and one for a task that is both cognitive and proceduralized. Using this design, I would be able to examine if the two theories interact or if they are separate. Another possible direction for research is to see if low-, moderate-, or high-skilled players are more likely to choke under pressure rather than simply studying the choking habits of just elite athletes. Finally, a personality psychologist could assess if different personality dispositions make an athlete more or less likely to choke than others. With further research and increased understanding of the choking phenomenon, sports psychologists could discover a technique to help decrease the chances of choking under high-pressure situations. This could help improve athletes’ confidence, self-esteem, and performance while competing.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ethical Issues Report Essay

SeaWorld is a public company that is facing a significant ethical issue right now, mostly in part to the release of the documentary Blackfish. This documentary takes viewers inside the capture, training and marketing of these Killer Whales for the sole profit of the company. It also highlights the breeding, training and housing of these magnificent mammals. It brings many ethical issues to the table. 1) Should any wild animal be taken from its natural home and forced to live in captivity? 2) Should these animals then be forced to â€Å"perform† for our entertainment purposed? And finally 3) Should these animals be treated as objects and put thru artificial insemination, separated from family members and subject to inbreeding all while SeaWorld knows that this is making the whales lives beyond inadequate and causing not only death to the animal but to numerous trainers involved as well. Blackfish is a documentary made in 2013 by director Gabriela Cowperthwaite. It focuses on Tilikum (Tili), an orca forced by SeaWorld to live in captivity. It highlights the health issues, the whale-on-whale and whale-on-trainer aggression as well as the compromised lives and social experiences of SeaWorld’s killer whales. Tili is involved in deaths of 3 individuals and is a direct result of keeping killer whales in captivity. The film covers the captivity of Tili in 1983 off the coast of Iceland where he was torn away from his family. It then goes on to show the lack of social interaction these whales receive in captivity; causing grief, stress and anxiety all while being forced to perform. It makes an effort to show that although SeaWorld tried to promote their whales â€Å"wonderfully social and fulfilling† lives it is fact doing just the opposite. Not only that, but only .06% of all revenues SeaWorld actually puts towards conservation. Should wild animals be held in captivity at all? â€Å"Animals are often prevented from doing most of the things that are natural and important to  them, like running, roaming, flying, climbing, foraging, choosing a partner, and being with others of their own kind,† PETA writes in a web fact sheet. â€Å"Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to interfere with animals and keep them locked up in captivity, where they are bored, cramped, lonely, deprived of all control over their lives and far from their natural homes.† True, not all animals in captivity have been ripped from their natural habitat and placed into a cage to be used as a spectacle for human entertainment, but when there is not environmental reason or risk to the animal, why do we do so? Whales are by no means lacking in ocean to swim in. Why, just because we think they look â€Å"cool† should they be subjected to living as we say they should? Former SeaWorld senior trainer John Hasgrove, who appeared in Blackfish, asked: â€Å"If animal care in captivity is truly the goal, why are SeaWorld’s killer whales still â€Å"in the same sterile concrete pools† the park has kept them in for decades? SeaWorld has since said it has spent $70 million into upgrading those killer whale habitats in recent years. Should these animals be forced to perform solely for our entertainment purposes? Humans are generally fonder of critters that seem to have more dynamic personalities and pronounced social attachments. Killer whales are just that. In the wild the stay with their families for generations and have their own communication sounds of clicks and whistles individualized to their pod. SeaWorld has long benefited from promoting this idea. Its killer whale shows, marketing and displays have made the company money for years. For a time, the park even ran a Shamu Twitter account. Lori Marino, a neuroscience lecturer at Emory University in Atlanta who appeared in Blackfish, has said killer whales are among the world’s most intelligent animals. Almost a decade ago, Nova Scotia based biologist Hal Whitehead claimed orcas the second more â€Å"cultural† species. â€Å"They have their way of doing things, which they’ve learned from their mother and their other relatives,† Whitehead told the newspaper. The documentary states that the orcas suffer from broken teeth because they rub and ram equipment in their tanks and that they sometimes regurgitate their food all out of boredom. It also points out that captivity leads to violence and shortened live spans. Finally, are these animals’ just objects and are we under obligation not to  encourage and support this abuse? Is keeping these whales in captivity overshadowing any good that SeaWorld is doing? Is there a moral obligation that we have to protect these creatures from artificial insemination that is often the result of inbreeding? Do we have a right to separate the calves from their mothers just to allow another park, sometimes half way across the globe, a chance to showcase a killer whale? Should be â€Å"training† these whales to do human decided tricks for profit? Where does money no matter hold importance to the damage that we are doing to our environment ethically? How can one say that we have a right to remove an animal from its family and its lifestyle and then tell our children not bring a wild rabbit into the house? These animals, once raised in captivity cannot be returned to the wild, but how can we justify continuing to force breeding and incest? What does it stay about our intelligence and our ethical moral if we do not put an end to this mistreatment of such creatures?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Coach Inc. Essay

Recommendations and Justification First, Lew Frankfort should continue to make new, high quality handbags that will impress customers. This will help Coach to continue to grow and prosper. New designs will help attract more customers to buy Coach products. The company can only benefit with new and unique products in the market. If Lew Frankfort can continue to do this Coach can be a leader in the market, which will help the company grow. Second, brand awareness should be increased. It can be increased through social media and e-commerce sites. This will help Coach be well known around the world. The more people know about the company and it’s products the more customers it will attract. Third, Coach should protect its products against counterfeiting. Coach can do this by making sure that no patterns or fabrics are stolen so that they can be made into fakes that look similar to the authentic products. It should also pursue knockoff sellers in Asia. Knockoffs can attract customers to the shops that sell them, wh ich will decrease the customers that shop at actual Coach shops. Fourth, Coach should continue to expand its market globally. It should increase its factory stores to help with the market. In the case it says that factory stores should be no closer than 50 miles from full price stores. This is important because it is a marketing strategy. All of this will continue to expand Coach. Finally, Coach should continue pursuing its plans to expand in Asia. Japan is an important market for luxury goods and China is suppose to become the world’s largest market for luxury goods. Coach needs to build a presence in important locations where competitors have yet to expand to. Dominant Economic Features (PESTEL) Total luxury market is $220 billion with an expected growth rate of about 7 to 8 percent annually through 2015 to get to $350 billion. Most of the growth will come from China and India, which are some of the countries that seem to be emerging. In the case, Coach’s specific target market is identified as being $24-$28 billion. Furthermore, the luxury handbag, leather goods and accessories market is at about $120 billion. It can be noted that the luxury brands are mainly targeted to wealthy customers who want a well-known luxury brand. This luxury brand market continues to prosper since many wealthy people want the status and value of owning these  luxury products. It can also be noted that the luxury market is worldwide. The United States owns 30 percent of the market and Europe also owns 30 percent of the market. Additionally, all of these luxury goods companies use unique strategies to try and create high differentiation. These differentiating factors can include all of the following: styling, reputation, quality, image, and customer service. The case also shows that there is a growing desire for luxury goods by middle class consumers. This could be since most middle class families want to reward themselves with some form of luxury goods. Most of the luxury goods manufacturers in the case were vertically integrated into the function of retail stores. Other designers were made under the supervision of the designer while products by Coach were made by low-cost contract manufacturers. Five Forces Model There is a strong rivalry amongst competitors in the market. Interfirm rivalry is the strongest competitive force in this market. These competitors try to make their products of the finest material and newest styles to compete with one another. Buyers have little leverage in negotiating with manufacturers of luxury goods. Consumers do not have the ability to negotiate the price of luxury goods when in retail stores. According to the case Coach Inc. and several other luxury goods makers continued to maintain the same price each year. The consumers and retailer buyers are weak competitive forces in the market. The bargaining power and leverage of suppliers is also a weak competitive force. There is a competition from substitutes in the market. For instance, there are many substitutes for luxury goods in almost every product category. Several consumers who do not want a luxury good will purchase a substitute product because it is most likely at a much lower cost. There is not a really a threat of a new entry. This can be considered a weak competitive force since it is quite difficult for a new luxury brand to enter the market. The majority of current luxury brands have strong reputations that were built years ago. Because of this they have a strong sense of loyalty from their customers. In summary, there is a small chance of their being a threat of a new entry to take over the market. Buyers and suppliers have almost no leverage when negotiating with sellers, and the rivalry in the industry  excludes price competition. Most consumers are brand loyal and want the actual luxury product, which shows that substitutes will not hurt the market much. Driving Forces As stated before Coach is looking to globalize by expanding in emerging markets in Asia. Coach will continue to expand through social media and e-commerce sites. There is a high preference for differentiated products. The more differentiated the better. Coach also wants to expand its market into Europe. Currently Coach is not very well known in Europe so it could drastically help the company with sales if they can get a growing market in Europe. Market Position of Rivals Coach’s rivals are not leaders of the market as Coach is; however, they do still compete. For example, Coach is not as popular as some of the other competitors in Europe. Each rival has some unique aspect that continues to drag in customers. This could be the fabric, design, or quality of the product being sold. Not only that, but other rivals can be in a less competitive environment in certain countries which can give that industry the upper hand. Key Success Factors for Future Competitive Success To continue to succeed Coach needs to be innovative with all future products. This tends to attract more customers to the market. Coach needs to keep up with rivals to see what is selling that they do not have. This will help Coach compete against its rivals. Industry Outlook Coach as an industry is doing extremely well in the market. It is currently the leader of the market because of its effective marketing strategies. Competitive forces are growing stronger since they have some markets in continents that Coach is not as popular in yet. Furthermore, some of the competitor’s branch out to male customers more that Coach does. The industry does have a sufficient competitive strength to defend against unattractive industry factors. The industry has a few problems here and there, but there is nothing severe. The industry still has plenty of room for growth. Coach can expand into Europe and into the men’s market to grow even larger. How Well the Company’s Present Strategy is Working Coach is currently targeting the lower part of the luxury products (the cheaper part). This market provides the opportunity for more customers than more expensive markets. Coach targets the top 20 percent of Americans by household income unlike other markets who target the top 5 percent. Coach has a multi-tiered retail strategy that has full-price retail sores, department stores, and factory outlets. Coach’s flagship stores carry all of the high priced products. Core stores have the widely demanded products. Having a discount factory outlet store allows Coach to maintain a year-round full price policy in its full price retail stores. Overall Coach has established a great competitive advantage. It’s profit growth performance and its high volume of sales has shown the effectiveness of Coach’s strategy. SWOT Analysis Coach has contracts that guarantee the company access to the highest quality leathers. Coach has negotiated offshore production contracts that helped deliver high product quality and low manufacturing costs. Coach has also leveraged existing brand names by adding various accessory lines. Additionally, Coach has built a multi-tiered retailing approach. They have also cultivated a strong brand awareness around the world. These are all of Coach’s strengths at the current time. Some of Coach’s weaknesses include: a small European presence. Coach is not very well known in Europe as it is in the United States and other parts of the world. Coach has a very small role in the men’s market. Some of Coach’s market opportunities are developing retail locations in Europe since it currently is not well known there. If Coach can do this it can open up a whole new market to increase its sales. Coach needs to develop new product lines that are geared towards men. Coach nee ds to expand into Asia in countries such as China, Japan, and India to help the growth of the company. Some external threats are as follows: weakened brand image and restricted sales outlook. Company’s Strength/Weakness compared to other Rivals One of Coach’s strengths is the industry’s strong customer loyalty. Coach has customers who will pay a lot of money for one of its deluxe products and  it has customers who have been fans of Coach product’s for a long time. One of Coach’s weaknesses compared to other rivals is the fact that it has very little European presence. Some of its rivals have a strong presence in Europe, but this is not the case with Coach. Not only that, but Coach has a very small portion in the men’s market. Some of Coach’s rivals have a strong presence in the men’s market. Furthermore, Coach’s penetration in ancillary markets is small when compared to some of its rivals. These are all of Coach’s strengths and weaknesses compared to other rivals.

Culturally diverse Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culturally diverse - Assignment Example per is to direct your attention towards different problems that are faced by international students as well as what different measures are required that will help the University to have a better reputation and recognition in the educational sector as the most â€Å"culturally diverse University.† The campus at UC Denver is a home to many international students. It has a reputation and a regard for international students which make it more suitable for students from different cultures and backgrounds. The university warmly welcomes all its students from around the world. However with the passage of time and mushrooming of different universities around the USA, the University of UC Denver has ignored the competition which can be result in its lower demand and reputation in the market. At this stage I suggest that University should have a proper marketing channel. This will help the University to create awareness of its unique features and friendly-environment especially to potential international students. University of UC Denver should adopt different marketing strategies such as targeting the potential international students through various social media platforms, sending them emails and running its banners and ads on the websites that are popular among the young generation . To compete with other universities it is highly important for our university to adopt the viral marketing approach to make its name be heard in the international community. It is highly important for our University to form different counseling groups of different communities which will efficiently help the administration in addressing the problems of the international students at campus. These groups can also be used as an effective tool to spread the positive word-of-mouth on the University’s approach and reputation which will make it more appealing for international students. With the growing competition among different universities, it is the high time for our university to focus more

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research Project - Essay Example Data Analysis 10 IV. Research Design 2 10 A. Research Design 2 11 B. Setting, Participants, and Sampling 11 C. Problem Statement, Research Questions and Null Hypotheses 12 D. Variables/Issues 12 E. Data Collection 12 F. Data Analysis 13 References 13 I. Topic The research aims to determine the factors that contribute to the emergence of environmental problems within the U.S. – Mexico border that pose health hazards to the residents within these areas. From a review of related literature, it was revealed that problems that ensue from the area are enumerated as follows: â€Å"1) rapid urbanization and lack of adequate infrastructure, 2) air pollution from open burning, vehicle emissions, and industrial operations, 3) contamination of surface water and groundwater from open sewers and industrial waste, 4) overuse of aquifers and surface streams, 5) transportation and illegal dumping of hazardous waste, and 6) destruction of natural resources† (Western Sustainability and Po llution Prevention , 2011). As such, the current study aims to examine the repercussions of these environmental issues on the health condition of residents living within these areas and to identify recommendations that would address the dilemma. II. Literature Review A. U.S. ... Likewise, the study written by Warner and Jahnke (2003) revealed that in addition to the abovementioned factors, the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993 provided the impetus for facilitating significant socioeconomic, fiscal and political changes that reported to have spurred disparities and challenges in access to health and in regulating subsequent environmental consequences. Specific details and profile on the states and communities within this border were enumerated in Western Sustainability and Pollution Prevention (WSPP) (2011), to wit: â€Å"The border’s length is approximately 2,000 miles, and there are 14 metropolitan areas on both sides, with 4 states on the U.S. side and 6 states on the Mexican side. The states on the U.S. include Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The states on the Mexican side include Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora and Baja California. There are nearly 14 million people that call this re gion home. Typically, the width of the U.S. Mexico border as defined by the La Paz Agreement is 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) into U.S. territory and 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) into Mexican territory† (Western Sustainability and Pollution Prevention , 2011, par. 2). B. Factors Influencing Health Conditions According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2011), the health status and environmental living condition of people residing within the border is influenced by â€Å"trends in population, the economy, and industrial activity† (p. 5). With population projected to increase due to migration to urban and industrialized areas, the report disclosed that

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Should capital punishment be suspended because of the chance of Research Paper

Should capital punishment be suspended because of the chance of executing an innocent person - Research Paper Example Abolition is becoming the norm and those who advocate for the death penalty face important challenges in the 21st century. For example, the United Nations and the European Union (EU) recently debated the legitimacy of the death penalty and world opinion is moving towards its abolition. The European Union, through its Charter of Fundamental Rights, has led the way and successfully banned the death penalty in all of its member states. Thus, if a country wishes to become a member of the EU and has the death penalty as a punishment on the books, that will need be overruled for the death penalty to become a member. This is just an example of how the tide is turning against advocates of the death penalty in the 21st century. Seeking to explore capital punishment and ask whether or not it is a good thing, the following will explore the deterrence argument for the death penalty and persuasively argue that the death penalty is not a good thing and should be banned. Furthermore, this paper wil l argue that lethal injection runs contrary to the prohibition against â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment† and because the consequences of the death penalty are irreversible, it should be abolished worldwide (The Death Penalty Information Centre 2009; Hood 3). From an ethical standpoint, advocates of the death penalty argue that the death penalty serves to deter criminals and thus is effective in preventing crime. According to the well-respect British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the consensus among researchers in the field is that the deterrent aspect of the death penalty has yet to be proven. Furthermore, a survey on the subject was undertaken by the United Nations (UN) in an attempt to look at the relationship between the death penalty and homicide rates. According to this published analysis, the United Nations concluded that â€Å"research has failed to

Monday, August 26, 2019

UK Industrial Restrictions on Labour Relations Essay

UK Industrial Restrictions on Labour Relations - Essay Example Industrial Relations and the UK lawsContrary to common practice, the UK has demonstrated significant laxity in promoting exclusive protection of human rights as stipulated in the European Convention on Human Rights. Specifically, the laws governing the entire United Kingdom are all statutory provisions with no written constitution. In addition, the UK government and the bicameral legislative system believe that all actions of the multitude must be controlled to ensure peace and vigilant administration (Geyer, Mackintosh and Lehmann 2005, p.137). For that reason, the legislature has since passed resolutions and Acts of Parliament that are essentially retrogressive to the freedom from forced labour or slavery in general. Ideally, the UK laws are strict in nature and most of them empower the government and employers to take necessary course of action against potential or actual breach of employment contract. While the law provides for industrial intervention, it is cumbered with several restrictions that render the practice a perpetual impossibility.On the other hand, Trade Unions in the UK are prohibited from supporting acts that might construe an inducement to breach employment contract or performance of such duties as appertain to the agreement between individuals and their employers (Gladstone and Wheeler 1992, p.35). Besides, the UK perceives strikes as an expressed act of breaking employment agreement while such actions ought to mean a suspended contract rather than breach.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

E-commerce - Essay Example In this article, the author claims that E-commerce happens to be the electronic commerce, it's some sort of business in which the sale of products and alternatives or both companies carried out about gadgets including the Web and other home Laptop or computer networks to further improve institutional basic performance. The development of e-commerce has reformed company across nations. From when it turned out released, companies have taken gain it to, enhance essay online service products, improve their marketplace share, expand profitability and scale down shipment time. E-commerce was quite simply non-existent in most parts within the planet. In the 21st century, immediate development of information technology and the swift increase in information exchange have helped to bring new drives and innovative ideas to the complete society. The wide adoption of it by the community has resulted in great changes. These are changes which have an impact on how we communicate with each other, ho w exactly we organize our daily activities, how we educate the younger generation, and how we run the business enterprise. The development and extensive adoption of it, computer network, and the Internet have altered the method of operation of several businesses, and at the same time have helped bring along unprecedented work at home opportunities. Companies are now in a position to conduct ventures across geographical boundaries. This is one of the best essays about E-commerce. Hurry up and get this highest-A potential work just now!... However, this sector is highly competitive because the barriers or costs of entering the web e-tail market are few, which caused many small e-tail stores to come up on the internet. Becoming profitable and surviving is difficult for e-tailers without brand name or experience since they face the challenge of differentiating the business from the existing stores or websites. E-commerce start-ups that intend to earn money by offering content face difficulties unless they have unique sources other content providers cannot access since the traditional content providers dictate most of this business category. As well, competition among online transaction brokers has been fierce in the last few years with new entrants like E*Trade, Datek and Schwab offering more appealing offers to consumers. Market prospect for online market creators is vast for firms with financial resources and marketing plans for attracting adequate buyers and sellers to the marketplace. Thus, new firms desiring to crea te a market need aggressive branding and awareness programs to draw sufficient customers like large web-based firms like Amazon that leverage large customer base and start auction. The advantage of B2C is that it bases on reputable physical infrastructures, knowledge of consumer preferences, culture and language, brand recognition and trust (â€Å"E-commerce Business Models†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , 2009; Nemcova, 2011). Most of the revenue in e-commerce involve business-to-business (B2B) even though most public attention focus on B2C since most of B2B is unseen by average consumer. E-distributor companies like W.W. Grainger supply products and services to individual businesses thus e-distributors are owned by a company that seeks to serve various customers. More products and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strategic management case on Penn National Gaming Study

Strategic management on Penn National Gaming - Case Study Example The report will be primarily divided into three sections. The first section will be presenting a brief overview of the company. Apart from that, this section will also shed light on the history, competitors, mission and vision statement of the company. The second section will discuss and analyze the current strategies of the company. In addition, the financial data will also be covered. The last section will emphasize on the findings from all the strategic and financial analyses. Finally few recommendations will be provided to improve the efficiency of the company. Penn National Gaming: History Penn National Gaming is a gaming operator, which is currently headquartered at Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, United States. The root of the company dates back to the early 1970s when the company opened its first venture ‘Penn National Race Course’ in the year 1972 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ... Penn National Gaming (PNG) with its subsidiaries also operates in the field of racing and gaming industry. Company Overview: Penn National Gaming PNG or Penn National Gaming is a multi jurisdictional, diversified and manager and owner of pari-mutuel properties and gaming. According to the recent report, the company operates with around 29 facilities throughout 19 jurisdictions. The list includes Mississippi, Texas, West Virginia, Florida, Maine, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, New Mexico, Indiana, Maryland, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio, and Ontario. Apart from that, Penn National Gaming also manages a casino in Canada. The total operated facilities of the company nearly accounts to 850 table games, 36,800 gaming machines, 2,900 hotel rooms and a gaming floor space of 1.6 million square feet. The company presently operates with around 17,000 employees. As of 2011 the net revenue of the company was US $ 2, 742.25 million. The major products and services of the company include Casino gaming, Off-track wagering facilities, Horse racing and Slot machines (Plunkett, 2009). Some of the company owned properties include Hollywood Casino Lawrenceburg, Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races, Hollywood Slots Hotel and Raceway, Hollywood Casino Aurora, Hollywood Casino at Penn National Race Course, Off-track Wagering Facilities, Argosy Casino Riverside, Hollywood Casino Joliet, Argosy Casino Alton, Account Wagering/Internet Wagering, Hollywood Casino Baton Rouge, Pimlico Race Course, Hollywood Casino Bay St. Louis, Hollywood Casino Tunica, Sioux City, Argosy Casino, Boomtown Biloxi, Black Gold Casino at Zia Park,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Cost and financial management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Cost and financial management - Coursework Example The analysis will be based on the 2012 annual report. The consolidated financial; statements are analyzed through incorporation of the traditional techniques as well as the ratio analysis. The traditional techniques employed include the horizontal, vertical as well as, the trend analysis. Ratios are significant when analyzing the financial statement s of a given company. The ratios are, therefore, analyzed in this report to measure the profitability, liquidity and the solvency of the company. Everything in the report has been thoroughly analyzed and errors minimized to the most professional levels. Apologies are made in case any errors or omissions are identified in the report. The company is fully committed to achieving the best position in the market share in terms of leading the market as well as ensuring customer satisfaction in the delivery of their products and services. Various initiatives have been executed and are still being executed. These initiatives relate to the improve ment of the product with the aim of achieving their set objectives or goals. The good cash performance observed in the past years has rendered the liquidity of the company strong. At the year end of 2012 for instance, the net cash flow was 122.6 million pounds. About WS Atkins The headquarters of WS Atkins is located in Century Way, in the United Kingdom. The Company is an engineering consultancy firm based on the international boundaries. The operations specifications include management technical and engineering services. The services are offered to both the public as well as the private sector clients that are located globally in all economic sectors. They are termed as general contractors. It is a holding company whose significant operations are limited to consultancy in the engineering as well design fields. The company operates in the United Kingdom, in the Middle East, in Europe, Asia Pacific and Energy. Different segments are observed in the five continents. The areas of oper ation in the United Kingdom include designs in environment, water, education defense, aerospace and design of the infrastructure. A lot of operations in North America include management services. The company provides planning of infrastructure, management services in construction, engineering, and consultancy in the environmental field, urban planning, and program management services as well as architecture. The range of the services the company offers in the middle east include design services as well as project management and engineering services in transportation, building and other programs relating to infrastructure. Asia Pacific business provides or offer services relating to engineering, urban planning and design, planning, rail design services and architectural services. The services the company offers in Hong Kong and Energy are very limited. In Hong Kong, the operations lie on urban rail developments, while, in Energy, the services include both engineering and management o f projects services. The records outline that the company owns Poyry Plc since the year 2011. The major competitors of WS Atkins include AMEC Plc, Amey UK Plc and Bechtel Group Inc. the fiscal year that ended 2012 reported revenue amounting to 2735.50 million pounds. According to the 2012 annual report of the company, the year ended 31st March 2012 marked a turnover growth rate of 9 percent to 1,711.1 million pounds. At the end of March, the number of employees is 17,420. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Military Accountability Essay Example for Free

Military Accountability Essay Purpose: to provide a refresher on property accountability and an awareness of Army physical security. Agenda Government Property Accountability Equipment Sensitive Items Weapons Physical Security Government Property OCIE Your personal equipment Unit/Section Equipment Tentage, Radios, Vehicles, Anything Green Vehicle BII Driver or TC responsible for Accountability Clothing Record (DA 3845 and Electronic) Used for OCIE Hand Receipt (DA 2062) Used for equipment Sensitive Items Cannot be lost Report immediately to the chain of command if missing Comsec equipment Weapons Certain Technology SINCGARS NBC Alarms, NVG’s Weapons Individuals issued arms are responsible for their security at all times. Each issued weapon will be carried on the person at all times. Weapons will not be entrusted to the custody of another person. Pistols will be secured with a lanyard. AR 190-11 Responsibility You are responsible for all US Army equipment you sign for. You can be charged for missing or damaged equipment. If you lose it, report it! A field loss can be investigated if reported immediately. You buy it on the showdown. Physical Security (Defined) That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel, to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft. AR 190-16 What Does That Mean? Physical security is meant to counter the threat during peace and war. Threat can range from enemy forces to terrorists to civilian criminals or saboteurs. How to Practice Physical Security Limit Access Secure Equipment Guards Locks Physical Barriers Fences Buildings Access Military Installations (Armories) will have access control. Installation Specific Varies based on Threat. Conclusion Secure equipment! Remember – You signed for it, you own it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Peer Assessment Essay Example for Free

Peer Assessment Essay This paper discusses the implementation of peer assessment strategy that I carried out in a primary school in Dar es Salaam during my practicum. It consists of a background, rationale, the implementation process and conclusion. The challenges encountered and their possible solutions on how to overcome them.. Background Black and William (1998) define assessment as all those activities undertaken by teachers, and students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. There are two major types of assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment. And thus, Peer assessment is one of the forms of formative assessment. Besides, Higher Education Academy- UK, (2006) is an alternative form of assessment in which learners are given the opportunity to measure and evaluate each other’s compliments of the specified learning outcomes. It is used to involve students more closely in their learning and its evaluation and enable them to really understand what is required of them. (Phil et al 2006) This is a form of formative assessment which teachers can use in class assignments, tests, presentations, project based work and practical tasks. These tasks can be performed by learners either in pairs, by multiple assessors’ or in groups. It is where learners consider and specify the level, value or quality of a product or performance of other equal status learners (Topping, 2008). This therefore means that learners are able to learn better because they assess their peers work and give appropriate feedback which helps them to improve their own work. It also leads to a number of benefits in terms of the learning process for instance encouraging thinking, increasing learning and increasing students’ confidence Gardner (2006), students find it easier to make sense of criteria for their work if they examine other student’s work alongside their own. It is uniquely valuable because the interchange is in language that students themselves would naturally use, because they learn by taking roles of teachers and examiners of others (Saddler, 1998) Rationale Eckstein and Noah (1992) argue that teachers teach to the test therefore leaving out some non-examinable but important skills set out in the curriculum. This is evident because most schools in the developing world concentrate on exams which is summative assessment and because of the backwash of this type of assessment, it impedes rather than promote social justice by locking many young people out of the education system, (Cunningham 1998). This summative assessment limits potential in enhancing teaching and learning which makes learners not to get prompt feedback to help them improve on their performance (Brooks, 2002). PA saves the teachers’ time because it takes a shorter time to mark and grade assignments using it than when a teacher marks all the books. This gives the teacher ample time to prepare for other lessons. By using PA, the teacher is able to give feedback to the pupils in a littler time than when the teacher uses traditional method of marking. PA was introduced with an intention to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning. It makes them feel valued because their suggestions are put into account. According to Irons (2008) PA encourages dialogue between the teacher and learners themselves as they negotiate the best assessment criteria when making a rubric to evaluate their work. This makes students really understand what is required of them. Phil Race et al, asserts that students learn deeply when they have a sense of ownership of the agenda and if PA is done using the students design, there tends to be a sense of ownership of the criteria used than when they apply the tutors’ criteria. Furthermore, PA allows students to learn from each other’s successes. In some instances students notice that the work they are assessing is better than their own efforts, therefore they can benefit from the work of the most able in the group. Similarly, it helps students to learn from each other’s weaknesses too. When they discover mistakes in their peers work, it is usually good for them as the awareness of ‘what not to do’ increases and therefore refrain from making the same mistake. (Phil et al 2006) Development My practicum was in a primary school in Dar es Salaam city. I was allocated standard seven to teach English. Standard 7A is rather a large class with a roll of fifty three pupils. Boys were twenty eight while girls were twenty five. All were present. This was a double English lesson of forty minutes each. The Topic was Comprehension, Sub-topic; The library; Lenders and Borrowers. My main objectives were; by the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read, understand, formulate questions, discuss and be able to evaluate their peers work using a rubric. I made a detailed lesson plan showing the teachers and learners activities. My teaching and learning resources were standard seven text books, dictionaries, flash cards with new words written on them, pictures of a library. The lesson started at 8.00am to 9.20am. Implementation I introduced the lesson with a vocabulary song as a brainstorming activity that was led by one of the pupils. I explained what I expected of them throughout the lesson, then used the self-selecting method to form groups of six and told them to choose a leader. We went through the guidelines that they would follow in their discussion groups. The passage had six paragraphs so I gave each group a paragraph. The learners read the passage as they listened to one another, noted down difficult or new words, and then generated three questions from their assigned paragraph. I assisted to organise the groups and how they would present. One member quickly read their paragraph as the rest of the class listened, other members gave new words that they came across and the three questions they had formulated. As they presented their findings I was writing on the blackboard the new words they had encountered, and the questions they had constructed. Together we discussed meanings of these words as pupils tried using them in sentences and checking them out in the dictionary. I noted that discussions were being led in Kiswahili though it was an English lesson. Cummins in McKay (2008) and Ellis stated that the first language (L1) is important because sometimes learners first think in it to make meaning in English. However, the discussion was very lively and everybody tried to participate. It also concurred with Goetz (2002) that different views from learners influence the direction of a lesson creating new learning experiences for both the teacher and the learner. As a class, we discussed the questions on the blackboard then I asked them to write the work in their exercise books, collect and put them on the teachers table. Together we discussed and made a marking criterion on the blackboard. I asked the class prefect to distribute the books to the learners making sure that one did not mark his or her own book. They carefully used the rubric to mark their peers work, then returned them to the owners to check and in case of any complains i moderated and explained to their satisfaction. Finally I gave each a foolscap and asked them to write down what they felt about the new method of assessment. This exercise was mainly to analyze the learners’ reflections and to evaluate myself as a teacher. Challenges My first challenge was the English teacher assigned to me was not co-operative. He was not willing to hand over a candidate class to me. I made him understand that my input would be beneficial to his professional development and the students’ grades. During group work, some learners took it for story telling time. I had a rough time controlling the noise and putting them back to focus. The chosen group leaders helped me have order in the groups and ensured participation of all members. Code switching was common as I related with the learners and as they interacted in their discussion groups. It was a challenge because they did not have the confidence to express themselves. Very few picked courage and participated in English. The rest when picked upon would request to speak in Kiswahili. I encouraged them to have confidence and to continue speaking in English because practice makes perfect. The learning environment was not very conducive. The floor was dusty and had pot holes. This was likely to cause health problems and injury. Due to the large class, desks were not enough. Learners shared four or five per desk which was quite uncomfortable. I advised the administration to discuss the matter with stakeholders so that the class would be repaired and desks added. This class did not have any teaching learning materials on the walls. They only had text books which were inadequate in a ratio of 1:5. Sharing was a problem because not all could access them. I advised the teacher that teaching and learning aids helped students to construct knowledge for themselves and develop effective learning strategies, thus laying a solid foundation for life-long learning. I also urged him to improvise teaching aids by using locally available materials for example, carton boxes to write on vocabularies and sentence structures and hang on the walls. I realized that peer assessment can be time consuming if practiced in a large class. Grouping learners, discussions, presentations and awarding marks consumed a lot of time which affected the next lesson. Since the school had extra classrooms, I encouraged him to create an extra stream and transfer some learners from 7A and 7B to the new stream if learners were to benefit from this kind of assessment. This is because a class of fifty three was too large putting into consideration the slow learners and learners with special needs who needed special attention. Conclusion Peer assessment had good impact on the teaching learning process where the learners and I jointly got involved in the assessment process hence owning the entire peer assessment procedures integrated in the lesson. This resulted into meaningful learning where feedback was instant. However, there were some challenges which we jointly addressed with the learners. For PA to be successful, meaningful procedures have to be put in place. References Black, P. William. (1998).Assessment and classroom learning: Assessment in education,principles, policy and practice in Irons, A. (2008). Enhancing learning through formative assessment and feedback. London: Routledge. Cunning,G.K. (1998).Assessment in the classroom: constructing and interpreting tests. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Irons, A. (2008).Enhancing learning through formative assessment and feedback. London: Routledge. Race, P., Brown, S. Smith. (2006). 500 Tips on assessment (2nd edition). London:

Ethical Stance for Research on Sustainable Tourism

Ethical Stance for Research on Sustainable Tourism Introduction Dr Jim Macbeth (2005, p.963), a lecturer and researcher in Australia who specialises in tourism research, has put forward the argument that, in the modern world, the stakeholders involved with the tourism industry, primarily the educators, developers and providers, need to find an â€Å"ethical† stance that will create a natural and appropriate platform for studying sustainability in tourism. To assess the validity of this assessment, one has to first consider the way that tourism research has been conducted and evolved in recent decades, together with the approach that has been used by the tourism industry in dealing with and combining the ethical and sustainability issues. From this a discussion on the relevance of ethical issues that are needed to address sustainability can be developed. Tourism Research As Dr Macbeth (2005) observes, historically, tourism research had evolved into a multi-faceted approach, which is based upon the four main threads outlined in the study conducted by Jafa Jafari (1990). In the initial stages, such research concentrated mainly upon the economic aspects of the tourism process. Being directed in this manner, the result of this research tended to emphasise the fiscal benefits that developing tourism would bring to a particular destination and the commercial organisations. However, with the increasing prevalence of the implementation of the economic research and their impact on destinations, researchers began to ask questions about the adverse social and cultural effect tourism was having. These two processes covered the tourism industry through the era of growth in mass-tourism. Alternative Tourism The third stage of tourism industry research development moved to the study of a new tourism phenomenon, alternative tourism, Initially, this was just seen and studied as a different level of tourist consumer, one whose demands and expectations were more than just the for the sun, sea and sand vocation of the mass-market vacation. These are the tourist who want independent and self-fulfilling vacations, ones that provided a unique level of escape. They were seeking the more active vacations, ones that gave the feeling of â€Å"self-autonomy and self-invention† (Cohen and Taylor, 1992, p.25) It was as a result of this movement that the educational institutions, particularly universities, became more interested in treating tourism as a bona-fide study subject. Universities increasingly offered courses aimed specifically at tourism as they took a deeper interest in the subject. Jafa Jafari (1990) was also correct in his prediction that the global educational commitment to tourism has increased at a faster rate from the date of his publication than it did previously. In addition, the educationalists, scholars and researchers have expanded the areas of their research into other and dedicated aspects of the subject. Sustainability In the last two decades two areas of tourism have attracted particular attention in educational and research, these being sustainability and ethics, in that order. Sustainability, which has been a driving focus in business for several decades, was the first area that caught the interest of tourism researchers. Initially it was approached on the basis of how to protect and maintain the attraction of destinations that were experiencing mass tourism growth. However, with the advent of increasing concerns regarding protection of the historical and natural environment, together with the increased interest in the physical damage that man was causing the climate, the scope of research into sustainability in tourism broadened significantly. Studies were conducted into ways in which destinations of historical and cultural interest could be exploited for tourism purposes, and to the economic benefit of the local community, whilst at the same time ensuring that the sites remained intact and did not become damaged or adversely affected by the increasing tourist traffic influx. Sustainability in natural destinations also received a lot of attention. The question of how one managed the dichotomy of conflicting issue that arise between the expectation and perception of the tourist consumer on the one hand, and the sustainability requirements of the destination on the other, were issues that resulted in a number of studies. For example, as Dr Macbeth (2005) has observed in terms of â€Å"wildlife† tourism, one has to decide how far to provide the natural experience of wildlife adventure that the tourists demands, whilst at the same time allowing the wildlife the ability to be sustained in their own environment. The discussion as to whether limited captivity, as is the case of the safari parks of Africa, provided a sustainable answer, namely would it still provide the experience that the tourist consumer required although not strictly a natural experience, was undertaken. One study into this specific subject by Newsome, Hughes and Macbeth (2005) showed t hat captive wildlife, seen in a natural setting, received a positive response from the tourists, fulfilling their expectations, whilst at the same time this environment offered some protection for the animals and their habitat. Similar issues and concerns have arisen regarding the tourist attraction to natural places of outstanding beauty, such as lakes and mountains. Here again, studies have concentrated on the complex issue of how to satisfy the tourism need without allowing that need to destroy the environment being enjoyed. However, problems began to develop when the theories were put into practice. As Fennell (2006, p.1) mentions in his book, a â€Å"negative backlash that has come about regarding the so-called ‘new tourism.’† One of the main reasons for this was that not all of the stakeholders involved in the tourism research were being adequately considered. As Fennell (2006, p.4) explains, there are three significant human sides to this triangle, being the tourist, the organisation that arranges the travel or vacation, and those who reside at or close to the destination. As a result of these mounting concerns, the issue of â€Å"ethics† began to arise. Ethics Ethics are codes that are derived and constructed from the moral value that is attached to an action, and they apply to every aspect of our lives. In other words the fundamental ethos of ethics dictates that the action or behaviour of a person, group or organisation should be appropriate to the issue and be seen to be conforming to the expectations of those affected by that behaviour (Fennell 2006, p.57). Like the word â€Å"sustainability†, the term â€Å"ethics† has in recent years become a featured part of the rhetoric within the business world as a whole and the tourism industry is no exception (Pearce, Moscardo and Ross 1977, p.89). Much is written in promotional material by tourism organisations about the ethics of their product and the ethical principals by which they work. In fact a plethora of ethical codes have been produced for all tourism industry stakeholders including, â€Å"codes of ethics for travellers; codes of ethics for tourists, for government, and for tourism businesses. Codes for all†¦ † (Fennell, 2006 p.241). However, partially as a result of the fact that such codes were not considered to be sufficient, and did not respond to the issues that were being raised, tourism researchers such as Jim Macbeth (2005) and others began to study how ethics should be viewed and used when dealing with the problems of sustainability within tourism. To do this meant that one had to look at ethics from the point of view of all shareholders, which, when addressing the three mentioned in Fennell’s (2006, p.4) study, meant understanding the effects that tourism policy and planning had on them. In addition there is the ethics related to the impact vacations will have upon environmental issues and how to handle these facets. In term of the application of ethics to the tourist consumer, research has to consider both aspects of these stakeholders. Not only is there the moral and ethical issue of ensuring that the tourist perceptions and expectations are honestly matched, but there is also the tourists own ethical standards and how they impact upon the success of otherwise of the sale of the destination product. The authenticity of the wildlife issue has been mentioned previously. Although, the majority of tourists considered the â€Å"captivity in natural surroundings† to be a natural wildlife experience, is it ethical for the destination to be portrayed in this manner? Similarly, is it ethical for the wildlife to be subjected to this sort of unnatural control simply to satisfy the needs of the tourist consumer? The tourist attitudes to â€Å"alternative tourism† have also changed. The tourist consumer has become more aware of the environmental issues surrounding destinations and vacations. As Pearce, Moscado and Ross (1997, p.152) explain in their study regarding the tourist relationship with the destination they are visiting, the â€Å"environmental attitudes to tourism are not held in isolation but, for some citizens, are a part of a larger environmental ethic.† An increasing number of tourists no longer expect their vacations to include all of the environmentally damaging aspects that were previously provided, neither do they expect the planners and policy makers to develop areas for vacations to the detriment of the environment; historical and cultural values. Similarly, they do expect those same persons and organisations to act towards the tourist consumer in an ethical manner. The perception is that, whilst providing the destination for vacation, this should be conducted in an ethical manner, ensuring that the correct measures are taken to ensure sustainability of the site and those communities, wildlife and natural resources that depend upon it. Brokers Brokers include all of those parties that have an interest in providing the destination and its activities to the tourist. This includes the local governments and policy makers, those who develop and maintain the sites, such as the hoteliers and attraction owners, and the sellers, being travel agents. All of these organisations need to address ethical issues that attract to the services and facilities they provide. Research has shown that many of these operators and brokers are already promoting the ethical aspect of their service, and are claiming that they have taken on board the demands of the consumer. For example there are corporations whose â€Å"Ethical tours claim to combine environmental education with minimal travel comfort, help protect local communities and environments† (Mowforth and Munt 2003, p.51). However, research and studies undertaken cast doubt on many of these claims. As Mowforth and Munt’s (2003, p.202) studies show, whilst the terms â€Å"environment,† â€Å"sustainability† and may appear in the organisation’s publicity to promote their ethical stance, it does not necessarily mean that these are factual claim. One representative, when questioned by these researchers in regards to their corporate responsibility to inform their consumers about the affect of tourism, responded that their primary task was to sell vacations. Much of the research work that Dr Macbeth (2005) has undertaken over the years, has been specifically targeted at endeavouring to create a platform which allows these organisations to address the ethical issues that face them in the provision of destinations and services, so that the claims made can be supported by genuine action. Macbeth has provided both theoretical and practical examples of how a destination can be designed in such a way that it incorporates the needs of all the stakeholders, whilst at the same time limiting the damage that can be caused by unethical methods. This includes how to involve the communities at all levels of the development of the destination and its running; ensure safety of the local environment, historical venues and places of interest; and at the same time presenting the destination in an ethically positive manner that will still address all of the tourist consumer demands and expectations and sustain tourism usage. One of the most difficult ethical issues facing tourism today is the community that live around or are involved in the destination site. This is especially true in areas such as developing countries and where there is a new destination being developed or exploited, as well as areas that have not had previous experience of such ventures within their locality. In the case of communities in and surrounding new destination developments, there are a number of ethical issues to be addressed. For example, whilst most may desire the benefit of such a development, Dr Macbeth believes that the developer has an ethical duty to ensure that the community is fully aware of the impact that the developed destination will have on their lives, environment and, potentially, their culture. It is accepted that this is not an easy task to achieve, particularly as with no previous experience by which to make a comparison, these communities may not fully comprehend the impact even when it is explained to them. Nevertheless, as the case studies and actual projects carried out by Dr Macbeth and his students have demonstrated, it is possible for such an understanding to be achieved (Jim Macbeth 1997). Community reactions are very important to the successful development of any destination site. Therefore their involvement with and acceptance of the project is important to achieve. As Pearce, Moscardo and Ross (1997, p.6) confirm, â€Å"the issue of how communities shape and respond to social and environmental changes is a driving factor in assessing community response to tourism.† Environment Finally, there is the issue of ethics in respect of the environment. In the current climate of potential threat to wildlife, dwindling natural resources, locations and the larger environmental issues, destination managers have an ethical duty to play their part in its sustainability. They also have a duty to ensure that their development does as little environmental damage as possible and contribute to the protection of the environment, rather than add destructive forces that will increase the dangers and damage. This includes such matters as energy conservation, emission control, and protection of wildlife, heritage and local communities. For example, with wildlife it is important that the planners are aware of any endangered species located within the destination target area, and ensure that the neither the development, nor the resultant tourist consumer activity can in any way add to the endangerment of that species. Ethical research It is important that, prior to the commencement of any development, research is undertaken to ensure that all of the ethical issues are addressed. The organisation needs to understand the impact that construction projects might have on the local environment, and its impact on issues such as wildlife protection and climate emissions. The research must also evaluate the effect of the development on the local population, its culture and heritage. One important proviso of the research that is undertaken is the independence of the researchers who undertake the study. Whilst, as is increasingly the case with studies and research projects that take place within universities, the planners and policy makers may contribute funding for the project, it is essential, and ethically correct to ensure that these people and organisations are able to carry out their tasks without any influence or pressure applied by those organisations. The purpose of such research is to reach a conclusion that provides for an ethical stance that all of the stakeholders can agree is desirable and, in addition, provide recommendations as to how the project and the ethical stance can be achieved and protected. In essence it should form the basis for â€Å"the purpose of identifying a template from which to aid in the development of tourism ethics.† (Fennell, p.197) Conclusion From the various researches that have been studied in the preparation of this paper, it is the author’s opinion that the hypothesis statement made by Dr Jim Macbeth is supported. There is a need for the educators and other stakeholders in the tourism industry to review the issues and construct an â€Å"ethical stance† that provides for a sustainable platform. It is equally importance that the strategy evolved from such a stance is seen to be effective and transparent to all concerned, with a determined effort to address and maintain all of the issues that constructing and maintaining a vacation destination involves. It is equally important to ensure that any studies and researches undertaken in an effort to achieve such a position are arrived at as a result of full discussion with, and involvement by all of the stakeholders involved with the product. Fennell (2006, p.346) observes, â€Å"In allowing ethics into tourism, we open the door to philosophy and the humanities.† Whilst it is accepted that this is the case, in the view of the author, there is no possibility of omitting this factor from the tourism research process. Ethics is an integral part of the tourist consumer’s human decision process. It is the stance that is taken on those ethics and the way it is approached that is important. References Butcher, Jim (2003). The Moralisation of Tourism: Sun, Sand†¦ and Saving the World? Routledge. London UK. Cohen, S. and Taylor, L (1992). Escape Attempts. The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Everyday Life. Routledge. New York. US. Fennell, David A (2006). Ethical Tourism. Channel View Publications. Clevedon, UK. Jacobsen Damien, Carson Dean, Macbeth Jim and Rose Simon (2005) Prosper Pilot Case Study. Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre. Queensland, Australia. Jafari, Jafar (1990). Research and Scholarship: The Basis of Tourism Education. The Journal of Tourism Studies, Vol.1, No.1. Queensland, Australia. MacBeth, Jim (2005). Towards an Ethics Platform for Tourism. Elsevier Ltd. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol 32. No. 4, pp 962-984. Oxford, UK. Macbeth, Jim (1997). Tourism, Policy and Planning in Australia and New Zealand: Issues and Cases. Irwin Publishers. Sydney, Australia. Section 3, Chapter 13. Mowforth, Martin and Munt, Ian (2003) Tourism and Sustainability. Routledge. London, UK. Pearce, Philip L., Moscardo, Gianna and Ross, Glenn F. (1997) Tourism Community Relationships. Elsevier Ltd. Oxford, UK. Cohen, S. and Taylor, L (1992). Escape Attempts. The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Everday Life. Routledge. New York, US. Newsome, D, M. Hughes and J. Macbeth (2005) Captive Wildlife Tourism in a Natural Setting: Visitor Satisfaction as a Measure of Success at Barna Mia, Western Australia. Journal of Ecotourism. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp73-91. Australia.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Prophet Amos Essay -- social issues

The Prophet Amos Amos is recognized as the first of the Israelite prophets whose words were recorded on a scroll. He was not a prophet all his life and never prophesied professionally. Amos earned his living as a â€Å"herdsman and dresser of sycamore figs.† (Amos 7:14) Since he already had an occupation he did not have to prophesy for money. He prophesied because God had called him to do so. Amos was not a poor sheep herdsman. The word herdsman, used to describe his occupation, was not the common Hebrew word used to refer to shepherds. The Hebrew word used described the vocation of a Moabite king, King Mesha. The Hebrew word means sheep-master, and refers to the owners of a special breed of sheep, famous for their wool. Amos may have been one of the more important men in his region, Tekoa. Tekoa was a village about ten miles south of Jerusalem. It was situated atop a large hill some 2800 feet above sea level. Therefore, Tekoa was strategically located. It was fortified and walled. â€Å"Tekoa is mentioned elsewhere, in 2 Chronicles 11:6, as one of several cities that King Rehoboam (Solomon’s son and successor) rebuilt and fortified after the breaking away of the ten northern tribes and founding of the northern kingdom of Israel (in 931).† (Miller p.45) Like many other prophets Amos was called directly by Yahweh through some divine intervention. Yahweh â€Å"took† him from his flocks and said, â€Å"Go and prophesy to my people Israel.†(Amos 7:15) He also saw five visions. Throughout the third and fourth visions God’s voice claimed, â€Å"I will forgive them no longer.† (Amos 7:8; 8:1) He was referring to the people of Israel. The Book of the Prophet Amos begins with a short description of the prophet. This is followed by his words. He begins by condemning several nations, Israel’s neighbors. Finally, and most importantly, he goes on to condemn Israel. This condemnation of Israel would come as a surprise to listeners in Amos’ time, because the people of Israel were the chosen people. Amos goes on to list some of the sins of Israel. The underlying theme behind many of the sins was that the wealthy and powerful were alienating the poor and the weak. Amos lived during the long and prosperous reign of Jeroboam II. During this time many people became very wealthy. There were, however, some who remained poor. The wealthy exploited the weakness and vulnerability of the poor.... ...ust society. In our interactions with our families we should avoid unkind words and insults. We must treat family members with respect and caring. In school and in our community one can use his or her talents to tutor a friend so that he can achieve success. Community service at a local school or hospital can be a way to help those in our community who need help or are less fortunate. In these acts of compassion and caring we live the word of God. The Book of Amos, the teachings of Jesus through the Gospels and the Church’s Constitution all make one thing very clear. Our actions and social institutions should all benefit the human person and respect human dignity. These actions and institutions should be â€Å"founded on truth, built on justice, and animated by love.† (Huebsch p. 144) Bibliography Heubsch, Bill, and Paul Thurmes. The Constitutions. Allen: Thomas More Publishing, 1997. Mays, James Luther. Amos. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1969. Miller, John W. Meet the Prophets: A Beginner’s Guide to the Books of the Biblical Prophets. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1987. Rad, Gerhard von. The Message of the Prophets. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1962.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Comparison of Wilfred Owen’s Dulce et Decorum est to Alfred Tennyson’

A Comparison of Wilfred Owen’s â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est† to Alfred Tennyson’s â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade† In this essay I will attempt to compare and contrast Wilfred Owen’s â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est† to Alfred Tennyson’s â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade†. I will examine the use of poetic devices in the poems as well as outline what is happening in each. Wilfred Owen was born on the 18th of March 1893 in owestry, United Kingdom. He was the oldest of four children and was educated in an evangelical school. Though Owen rejected most of his beliefs by 1913 the influence of his education still remains evident in his poems and their themes of sacrifice, biblical language and his vivid, frightening description of hell. One of the main influences on Owen’s poetry was his meeting with Siegfried Sassoon, though Owen soon fashioned his own style and approach to the war. The characteristics of Owen’s poetry are the use of Para rhyme (The rhyming of two words which have the same consonants but whose stressed vowels are different), alliteration, and assonance. Alfred Tennyson was born on 5th August 1809 in Somersby, Lincolnshire and died on the 6th October 1892 to later be buried in the poet’s corner in Westminster Abby. Tennyson was often regarded as the chief representative of the Victorian age in poetry, succeeding Wordsworth as poet laureate in 1850. Wilfred Owen’s poems are inspired by the horrors of his own experiences in World War One from 28th July 1914 to 4th November 1918, the day that he died 1 week before the armistice. At the time of this poem there were excessive amounts of propagandistic poetry for example Jessie Pope’s â€Å"Who’s for the game?† Lord Alfred Tennyson’s â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade† was written to commemorate the suicidal charge by British light cavalry over open terrain in the Battle of Balaclava (Ukraine) in the Crimean War from 1854 to 1856. This was the first war to have photographic media coverage. Of the 637 men involved in the charge, 247 were killed or injured. Tennyson describes the valiant charge of the light brigade into â€Å"the jaws of death†. Tennyson makes use of repetition, allusion, and personification to paint a vivid picture of the charge and at the same time give the reader an insight into the mind of the brave soldiers of the light brigade. The rhythm of this poem imitates the sound of the horses galloping towards th... ...nly minor injuries can me sustained from war for example a broken leg. I preferred â€Å"Charge of the light brigade† because the pace and rhyming scheme give a sense of action and excitement. Strong metaphors and similes are used to provide the reader with an insight into the minds of the soldiers. I especially like how Tennyson describes the conflict itself in the 4th stanza, as this is a strong example of the sense of action in his work. The perception of war has gone through much change since the time of Tennyson, in Tennyson’s time war was regarded as a good thing but over time the perception of war has completely reversed, and in my opinion it seems these days that war is something that should be avoided at all costs mainly due to the technical advances made giving war much more potential to destroy more than just lives. I will conclude this essay with a quote from â€Å"the charge of the light brigade† which I believe shows the heroism of those men who died for their country and persevered under impossible odds. â€Å"When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honour the charge they made, Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Terminator Essay -- Film Movie Terminator Essays

The Terminator James Cameron’s 1984 film, The Terminator, is about a cyborg, called a terminator, that is sent back into the past to kill Sarah Connor, the mother of John Connor, the leader of the human resistance. A soldier, named Kyle Reese, is also sent back to protect Sarah (Terminator). In the film’s 1991 sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (T2), the Terminator returns, not to kill Sarah, but to protect young John from the T-1000 (T2). During the course of these two films, the character of Sarah Connor dramatically changes from weak woman to a warrior woman. She transforms mentally, physically, and emotionally. Not only does she change in this manner, but her role in the films changes as well. Sarah’s purpose and significance as a character changes over the course of the two films. In Terminator, Sarah is of great importance to the story. Without her there would be no human resistance in the future, so it is imperative that she live. The movie revolves around her, as she is the main protagonist in the film. At the end of Terminator, it is she, not Kyle, that destroys the Terminator. Though she is the main protagonist, her purpose in the film was to be a vessel. She was only valued because of her body, her ability to give birth to John. It only mattered that she live so that she could give birth to John. In Terminator 2, Sarah is pushed into the background. She becomes merely a secondary character. Her presence in the movie is not as important. She has already completed her job of giving birth to John and raising him to be able to take care of himself, so there is no reason for her to be there. Her presence even puts John into more danger. John wanted to save his mother from the mental institution, but the Terminator... ...tor films are good for study because of their rarity and the character of Sarah Connor. Works Cited Cranny-Francis, Anne. "The Body in the Text." Internet. 10 Dec. 2001. Cunningham, Kim. "Shaping the Stars." People Weekly 10 January 1994: 50-56. Internet. 24 Nov. 2001. Pfeil, Fred. "Revolting Yet Conserved: Family Noir in Blue Velvet and Terminator 2." 1992. Internet. 24 Nov. 2001. Terminator, The. Dir. James Cameron. Perf. Arnold Swarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton. Artisan Entertainment, 1984. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Dir. James Cameron. Perf. Arnold Swarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, Edward Furlong. Artisan Entertainment, 1991.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Relationship between Architecture and Politics

Architecture is non merely classified as depicting the elegant and formal penchants of an designer, but it can besides uncover the hopes, power battle and the elements civilization of the society. Although nowadays architecture tend to revolve around subjects that represents neutrality in order to stand for a fitter subject or image for the metropolis without back uping any political government, it can be surely maintained that utilizing architecture as a major tool to typify power and authorization for a society such as Nazi Germany and Rome power is a needed and preferable tool in order to maintain the bequest of the society or country alive as clip base on ballss by as the built environment is a text whose every word reveals a nation’s vicissitudes. As insofar the edifice that was merely said to be a work or architectural Earth can function a intent of being a ocular metaphor, denoting something in its ain manner about the power, being, strength, protectiveness and construc tion of the establishment it represents. First, architecture supports the system with a structural theoretical account which is used by the society to gestate the universe which makes it connected with political power as said by Mitchell kapor â€Å"Architecture is politics† . Hence there is a structural relationship between the societal and political sides, architecture reveals the power that is embodied in it and specifically the monumental architecture that is formed by the political powers. These memorials shows the power of the persons accountable for their formation and they describe the nature of that power. For illustration, utilizing axial architecture symbolizes systematically more to power which control the community as it directs people to that place or that specific power. Whereas, Non-axial architecture ever maintain the equality of component parts and puts the picks ever between people’s custodies instead than the command of certain end. Furthermore non axial architecture is on a regular basis c onnected to political power as authorization from the multitudes. Architecture that symbolizes top-down distribution of power is the antonym of an architecture that demonstrates control vested by the community as shown even in prisons as the warden’s power is over the inmate which shows the supreme border of societal control. As architecture can command the manner we understand the universe, looking at architectural history the relation between the monumental architecture and political power can systematically be seen. Architecture gives us the pick to visualise mentally and back up societies to make systems that shows their societal and cultural traditions and patterns. Hence, leaders use it to show the manner that they understand world in and show how they crave to be seen by the people and implement their sentiment and position and carry their power over the public. However, Nazi’s and Romans leaders in Germany and Rome in the old centuries used architecture in a manner to exudate power and domination in order to maintain their bequest as a society with power and wealth in the universe, hence their edifices had an tremendous consequence on the manner designers designed their edifices in the western side of the universe and still continues till this twenty-four hours. Nowadays along the western universe the consequence of Roman power is still manifest which shows how utilizing architecture as a society power tool can be effectual and is needed by the universe, and many European metropoliss still have keepsakes that remind them of the ancient Rome. Architecture played an indispensable function in conveying together the imperium and was critical to the success of Rome as both formal architecture like temples and basilicas for illustration Bridgess and aqueducts had a major function in stand foring Rome power. Communication across the far flung was supported by the building of the roads with their Bridgess. Furthermore, clean and hygiened H2O was provided to the people in metropolis by aquedects. Whereas, the basilica fulfilled administrative maps which was showed in American metropoliss in town halls or tribunal houses and other edifices besides served Roman power weather straight or indirectly. The basilicas had assorted features and constituents such as a projection which the Romans called apsis which acted as the place of the magistrate accountable for distributing the jurisprudence and along with it comes a scene or an image of the emperor which is the beginning of the jurisprudence. Then above the image is a curvey semi -circular line which acts as an reverberation in the signifier of the apsis. The basilica in Roman metropolis carried the construct of Roman authorization for the people of the Roman Empire. The association with individual was a leading account for the usage of the basilica soft as the typical become of the Christian church from the abstraction of the Emperor Metropolis. The organisation of the infinite and temperament of the edifices in the 2nd century formed about a symbolic map of Roman power which the survey of this early 2nd century edifice composite show us. To sum up the Roman architecture, the basilica with its apsiss points and symbolized to Roman jurisprudence power ; the authorization of classical civilization and literature is shown by its formal libraries ; and the faith is reflected to the public life of the people by the temples. Besides Trajan which is the Roman military leader and has images at the centre of the metropolis in the imperial axis has ordered the built of the markets on the adjacent hill which states an obvious statement about the emperor being the supplier for the Roman public. Reminders of the civilization and traditions of the Roman Empire are still at that place throughout the western universe metropoliss. Most Leaderships want to give bullying and control through their built environment and ocular testament to their strength and control to the people and the state.Examples can be seen all around the universe. In Paris after Napoleon became the male monarch of the imperium in 1804, he wanted Paris to go the new Rome so you can happen assorted similarities in their edifices. The Arc de Triumphed, started to be built by Napoleon in 1806 but non finished until 1836, is the highly celebrated illustration of the Gallic pickings of Roman expressions In Vendome in Paris, the leader Napoleon ordered the built of a monumental free-standing column that was clearly based and similar in construction to the column of Ttrajan from the early 2nd century.A bronze statue is on the top of the vendomne column and has a costume that looks like a Roman, like Trajan on his column. The service of the Madeleine. The interior decorator Pierre-Alexandre Vignon field supported his building on the distinguishable strain of the Italian Temple. Second, Nazi’s and Hitler besides used architecture in a manner to endanger and intimidate the people and travel frontward in the power of their province. It is shown clearly in their undertakings as some component like stark frontages, columns, pilasters, and clean lines is used in a monolithic graduated table by the project’s designers such as Albert Speer, Hermann Giesler, and Fritz Todt to organize a new aesthetic and demonstrate power, control and domination.Moreover, the building’s sizes gave a immense consequence and showed clearly the wealth and power of the Germans to anyone who ventured their edifices. Hence, the metropolis of Berlin was to be the metropolis of the Nazis ‘ corp, and as such, required to sleep together and resemble the cognition, dominance, and quality of the Fascist circle. Raising images of the Catholicism Empire, the remade Berlin would be titled Germania, the old European works for Deutschland. Domination of the universe was th e purpose of Berlin so it required more memorials.So to ceremonialize the power of the German province a program and theoretical accounts to make a metropolis with an tremendous figure of public edifice were made by the designers responsible of the undertaking. Many edifices are still lasting boulder clay nowadays although the Berlin program did non to the full win that represent the rare tendency of the government. The manner of intimidaton architecture was the chief manner used by the Germans while edifice and planing their edifices. Other edifices non representative of the Nazivogueall the samereference Nazi purposes by glorifyingboththe yesteryear of Teutonic and the civilization of the rural every bit good. Always, Nazi architects workedto confirmthat their edifices servedthe needsof the government. Influenced by classicalHellenic Republicand Rome, they cultivatedANaesthetic of order, victimization lowest ornament andactionstraight lines. From the Baroque epoch, theyrealisedthe facilityof edifices as looks of wealth and power, and they triedto includethat look into their edifices. Nazidesignserved the province by suing its values, showing its power, andmakingedifices capable of lastingfor 100s of old ages. The Nazistriedto regulateeachfacetof Germans ‘ lives ; designcontenda cardinal roleduring this. The order and plainness of Nazi facadesmirroredthe orderperfectby Nazi theoreticians. Topographic points designed for mass community experiencesdesignedunityround theparty. Buildingsreflectiverural and Teutonic pastsemphasisedthe Nazis ‘ glorificationof thesetimes.Constantaspects of Nazi buildingssupposedto impress foreign diplomats served dual responsibility by expressingthe strength of theNational Socialistic German Workers ‘ PartytoeverybodyUnited Nations agencylapsed.Adolf HitlerandSpeerhad religion that thatdesignhadthe powertodeeplyinfuence peoples ‘s ideas and actions. In theirneuroticplans for Germania, they showedexpresslythatdesignwas a tool of the'dbeaccustomedpromote political orientation, even at the disbursal of livability.Adolf Hitlerwishedbuildings to be â€Å" the word in rock, † lasting, a clear representations of the Nazi ideals. S ame all the antithetic assortments of art throughout the Socialism programme, Structure was a marionette of both the province and the commonwealth every bit good as John Ruskin the English author said â€Å"Architecture is the work of nations† . This shows that architecture can be used in a dramatic multiple of ways to supply the state, civilization and society its ain characteristic and personal appeal. A majordistinctionbetween theclassicalstatedesignofThird Reich|Reich } andclassicaldesigninalternative trendycountries in Europe and America is that in Germanyit perfectly washoweveroneaspectof a badly autocratic province. Its dictatorly aimedto determinestudyorder ; gridironcityplans, axial symmetricalness, hierarchicplacement of province structureamongurbanhouseon a scalemeantto strengthenthe interpersonal and governmental regulation wanted by the Nazi propose, thatanticipated the supplanting ofreligious beliefandmoralvalues bya trade name newquite worshipsupportedthe cult of Nazi sufferer and leaders and witha worthsystemnearthat of pre-Christian Rome In Mein Kampf, Germanic Nazi states that industrialized Teutonic metropoliss of his twenty-four hours lacked high unfastened memorials and a halfway speech pattern for district spirit. In fact, unfavorable judgment of thefastmanufactureof German citiesonce1870 had already been voiced. The ideal Nazitownwasn'tto beoverlarge, sinceit had beentoreplicatepre-industrial values and its province memorials, theproductand symbols of corporate attempt, were toleanmostprominence by being centrally set within the new and reshaped metropoliss of the enlarged Composer. Nazi ‘s remarks in Mein Kampf indicated that he saw edifices suchlike the amphitheater and besides the Circus Maximus As symbols of the politicalwould possiblyand power of the Romanindividuals.Potentateexplicit, â€Å" Architectureisn'tsolelythewordin rock, howeveris alsothe look ofthe religionand strong belief of a community, alternativelyit signifiesthe ability, illustriousness and awards of an excellent adult male or single † . In Potentate ‘s cultural way, â€Å" The Buildings of the Reich, † delivered in Sep 1937, inNuremberg, hethoroughbredthat the new edifices of the Reich wereto bolsterthe authorization of theNational Socialistic German Workers ‘ Partyand besides thestate and atidenticaltimegive † giganticproofof the community † . Thesubjectproofof this authoritymayalready be seen inNuremberg, metropolisand Berlin and would go stilla batch ofevidentoncea batch ofplans had beenplaceintoresult. Hitler himself was as a girlish adult male was ab initio impresssed with the highly formed, ornate, neo-Baroque trend unfastened in assorted Habsburg-era people edifices. Flat so, he matte that the cardinal making for a morality populace concern was that it verbalised the capableness of its person. These edifices, with their immoderate volume of pilasters, porticos, columns, arches, and pediments, manifested the wealth and state of the German and royalty provinces. Whereasthese highly-decorated buildingssquare measuremarkedlytotally differentfrom those designedthroughoutHitler ‘s reign, they possess symmetricalness, a properpartofstylethateachdesignerandDer Fuhrerbelieved was essentialto doing order. The impressive Berlinerdom exudes any wealth, with thenar in apiece character and intersection. In block with Der Fuhrer, the cathedral, thinking excessively bantam, was â€Å" appropriately impressive. † The all-night arcades of the New Hofsburg and therefore the sedimentat ion of Penalty Study, each in character of Oesterreich, breathe at the lordly and colonnades entrywaies open in edifices subsequent in experience, peculiarly Designer ‘s New Reich authority’s construction. The New Hofsburg, Vienna Furthermore, Hitler, as a trainedcreator, was well-versedwithin thehistory ofdesign.Within theNazi'sseekassociate † orderly † aesthetic, a batch ofattention was paid to the classical edifices ofBalkan countryand Rome.It’sstraightforwardto examinethe similarities betweenAlbertSpeer ‘s Zeppelintribune, shownhigher thanright, and hence thePergamon Altar of Zeus housedwithin theBerlin Pergamon museum: Albert Speer ‘s Zeppelintribune The Pergamon Altar to ZeusIn fact, Albert Speerhimselfexplicitthat theapsissupportedthis Pergamon memorial. There besides arenoticeable similarities between thecoliseumin Romeand therefore the Olympiastadion in Berlin. Specially, the 2 edifices assets a superimposed grouping of pillars and arches. Notwithstanding, the athleticss bowl differs from the amphitheater in its demand of curves or circular arches. Olympiastadion ‘s exterior is regressive, and depends on rectangles formed from healthy crosswise and consecutive lines to realize its spik, organized lead. Further, the athleticss bowl outside is bare: there ‘s no ornamentation of any good, merely lines. These penchants for healthy lines and kosher outsides are a regular self-praise of Socialism edifices, particularly those organized by Designer, and businessman them as definite from the neoclassical constructions that influenced them, Authoritative edifices were to a great extent with statues. Fascist edifices are put ing for his or her about tot deficiency of honor. The amphitheater in Rome Olympiastadion in Berlin To reason, although after the mid century and the beginning of the 19Thursdaycentury urban designers and societies began to alter their constructs and preferred to utilize architecture and design edifices in a manner to do metropoliss healthier and assist in cut downing offenses and deduct jobs. Furthermore designers had an purpose to better the attitude of the people and society and they wanted to utilize architecture to cut down poorness, offenses, and prevent revolutions.However, architecture can be used in both ways but I surely agree that if architecture is used as a participatory tool to stand for power and strength for certain society it would play a major function in altering history and consequence vitally the civilization of the universe as Frank Lloyd the American designer said â€Å"Themother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our ain we have no psyche of our ain civilization†.Also architecture in that manner leaves bequests behind them that coming coe valss can look up to and that is why designers and leaders that clip tried their best to function strenghtfull testament through their designs and edifices.